jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Brick by Boring Brick

First of all, I love the name of the song, is just plain awesome; and even though is not my favouritesong in the album (Brand New Eyes by Paramore)-my favorite is Looking up- is definitely between the to five. The lyrics to this song have this touch of darkens and is very, very metaphoric, but it delivers the message perfectly, and the guitar is awesome too.

The video is great it has this Tim-Burton-ish kind of style -you know like a mix between a fairy tale and the most creepy thing ever- and the viseo is as metaphoric as the song just that a little harder to comprehend- If your curious you can search it on wikipedia.

So I thanks Hayley Williams, Josh and Zac Farro; Jeremy Davis and Taylor York for the music, the entrtaiment, the art......

Like aparently I need to download the video to post this on this post- I leave you with some pictures.... The artwork of the songimages of Hayley Williams in the video

Lead Guitarrist Josh Farro in the making of the video
I LOVE him
Hayley Williams and the little girl from the video
They do look alike, don´t they?

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