sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009

Little Women.

Haven´t you ever read a book to please someone and end up loving it???Well, I have, I have read a few, but actually the one that deserves a post is Little Women.

I read it after my godmother gave it to me one Christmas, it is actually one of her favorites books. I was nine and it was the first actual novel i read by myself; And I loved it.

Of course as it was the first novel I read all by myself I read it slowly, but I finished. I would take it everywhere with me so if I had the chance I would read it, in school I just waited for a teacher to be late or to give us a free time or reading time -I hadn´t mastered the art of reading under the desk, I do it frequently now and I have´t been caught once!

So let me tell you why I love it. Little woman is not the tipicall romatic novel that it´s all about a gorl falling in love, no it´s about friendship and family bonds; growing up and social pressure. I think it is the only book in which I don´t like a cannon couple, I would´ve loved if Laurie and Jo ended up together. and talking about Jo, she´s of course my favorite character she´s all I want to be and I´m like her in personality and have curly hair, so yeah....

I don´t have sisters, only brothers and reading about a house full of only women is like a so different, but is nice to read something different. of course I fell for Laurie, like man of the girls who read the book.

So who´s your favorite character? Tell me about what you like of it?

1 comentario:

  1. elisa tienes que cambiarle la fecha al post para que aparezca de primero


So what do you think?