Everybody has a favorite teacher, and my favorite teacher deserves a post all about him.
My over all favorite teacher is my art teacher, he´s from Spain and we are sure that he was there when God invented the World. Is amazing how much he knows, he knows the beginning of the Bible in Greek -in freaking Greek- he also speaks apart from Spanish -duh!- French, Italian and Latin, he doesn´t speak English though.... His life could be made into a movie, it would have to be a very long movie, but it would definitely be a entreating movie.... He met Picasso, and Vrigilio Trompis - a Venezuelan artist- traveled around Europe in car that belonged to the Vatican, and as if it was not enough, he used to study art in the University of Salamanca in Spain, and one day he was called to tell him that he´d been selected between all of the students there to receive a scholarship to study in one of the best colleges in art in Rome, so he went to Italy barley speaking Italian - lots of funny anecdotes with that- where he met the daughter of one of the Pope´s -Who could have been Peter- doctor- he was the one who lend them the car- we are sure he dated her but he doesn´t want to admit it....
A funny tale about him, the other day my friends and I drew some doodle people on our fingers and while he was passing we showed them to him,I was kind of expecting that he would reprimand us for drawing on our fingers- you see he´s a very strict teacher-, but he laughed and while he passed by me showed him my fingers and told him who my fingers were, John Lennon and Bob Marley, so he helped me stand up -I weight little but he´s very strong for an old man- and took me were the others teachers where and showed them my fingers- he´s a Beatles fan, one more reason to love him- and my friends and I ended up with a picture of our-self and our fingers to the yearbook.
I´ve never seen anyone who loves art more that he does and is inspiring, he loves teaching and that makes his classes the more interesting of all of the classes I´ve ever seen, he´s the teacher that makes the school worth the while. I´m very fond of him and he´s very fond of us, my friends say that I´m his favorite student, and I like to think that too, it would be an honor to be his favorite student. And he happens to be my eldest cousin´s favorite teacher too, so I´m not allowed to have bad grades in his classes. And before I forgot he has the coolest sunglasses ever!!!!
So do you have a teacher like mine? a teacher that makes school worth the while?
*singsong voice* Teacher's pet.... Admit it, E. If you had been born 60 years ago you would have the BIGGEST crush on Jose Luis. Anyways, you'll have to settle for being the shiny red apple among all us rotten apples (aka the rest of the class). What a hardship...