I´m back! Did you miss me? just pretend that you did....
Remember my post about plays? remember that I told you I was going to see The Phantom of the Opera live? Well, I went and loved it!
Like I´ve said before, it is definitely more exiting to see a show live that a movie or youtube as a matter of fact. The show was great and I look up to Theater actor and actress a little bit more every day.
So back to The Phantom of the Opera show. I went to see it with almost my whole family of my mother´s side we were almost two entire rows -we were 26 people- and it couldn´t have been better. We were lucky enough to be able to see the show with the Broadway cast who was on tour. The guy who played the Phantom -Tim Martin Gleason- has the Record of being the longest-running Raul, which he has played over 2600 times!
In the all I Ask of You number the Phantom is lowered hanging and hiding on a statue the whole number and in the end when is his turn to sing he stands up and sings -duh- but even though I was enjoying his singing and stuff I was like "please don´t fall and die, please!!" but that just makes him even more awesome. other moment where I was like "please don´t die!" was the moment when Raul runs after the Phantom and Christine when he kidnaps Christine after the Point of no Return that Raul jumps of a platform into the stage´s floor but you don´t see where he falls and I was like "Oh my God! He broke his legs" but then he appears walking as if jumping like that was totally normal -I want to do that!, I´ve done similar thigs like jumping off threes, but I guess it is not the same thing!
My mom says that first impressions prevail, but there are still some things that I liked better from the movie, like the fight between Raul and the Phantom in the graveyard, in the movie it is a very exiting swords duel, but in the stage performance it is like "How dare you?" ºslap with a gloveº "no, How dare YOU?" ºSlap with a glove", but I like the fact that the Phantom could throw fire out of his creepy club! -Raul and the Phantom never get closer that a meter and a half in that fight, actually. I liked better The Point of no Return number in the movie; in the movie it is all sexy and stuff, but in the stage performance it is a duet between Christine and the Spirit of the Future Christmas from a Christmas Carrol, but it was anyways sang perfectly. And the costumes from the movie, but well......
In the end of the show part of the cast stayed on stage and talked about a Charity called ´Broadway Cares" which helps people with Cancer, VHI.... the Phantom was the one who spoke and we discovered that apart form having a great voice and a great acting ability the Phantom was very charismatic and funny, they sold some stuff and the money taht it earned went to Broadway Cares, the sold a bag that in teh ende I was not sure if it was made of recycled material because not even the Phantom knew he was like "this bag which -I think- is made of recycled material. Is it,Bruce? Bruce? Bruce? Well he´s not here to tell us, but you should buy it anyways!" they sold a autographed -by the whole cast- poster, which I bought -and it is now marked and hanging over my bed- other thing that they sold was used slippers by the ballerinas of the show and the Phantom was like "this is someting that some people might like and it may gross other people out, but..." and while he said this on the back Raul was trying to take his shoe off -I was laughing like crazy. When I went to buy my poster in the doors of the room where past of the cast accepting donations, and I asked one of them where I could buy a poster, he told where I went a bought it and when I was going back to where my family was waiting for me I showed it to the guy who was told me where to buy it and he said to me "Hey! you got it, bravo!". And when we were going to the parking lot, on the exit of the Theather there was another guy accepting donations, and my cousin and I were -that how is said? I´m sorry if it is not- singing -I sing like a diying cat mixed with a dying car horn- and dancing Mascaraed and he was like "Good, you´ve got a part!".
In a Nutshell it could´t have been better! and I want to watch it again!
So I thank the whole cast for the efort they put pulling this wonderful show on, I thank Andrew Lloyd Webber and Charles Hart for making the music, Gaston Leroux for writing the novel and last but not least I thank the guy who told me were to buy my poster and the other for "giving" me a part on the show....
I leave you with some pictures of the cast

Sean MacLaughlin and Trista Moldova
Raul and Christine

Sean MacLaughlin (Raul)

Tim Martin Gleason the Phantom of the Opera

Tim Martin Gleason as Raul