domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009

The Beatles

Greatest band in the history of music -there is not doubt about that- their music has influenced almost every band in the present, and I don´t know the first person who does not like their music. You know? I think they´re the band that after the break up earns more money.

My ad learnt to play the guitar to play Here Comes the Sun -So did I, But I´m not good enough to play more than the intro yet. And Hey Jude! has the most touching background, Paul McCartney wrote the song for John Lennon´s son, Julian ,when John Lennon and Cynthia Powell divorced.

My older brother told me that the music records with who they first singed didn´t want to sing them in because "bands with instruments were dying" - Yeah right!- and Vl -my friend remember he form the Venezuela post?- told me that they singed them in because they were cute, when I told this to my dad he said "Ringo Starr, cute? he was a nose with hair!" I of course laughed out loud and then he remembered that Ringo Starr joined the Beatles after they had signed with the music records.

I love and thank all the Beatles for the art, but my favorite Beatle is Paul McCartney, he is I think a good man, and one if not the best musicians in history, Yesterday - which he wrote- is the song that has most covers in history. Wikipedia says that he´s the most successful songwriter in history. and he seems like a lovely rock ´n roll grandpa -it would be awesome to be one of his grand children or children, imagine saying to the teacher or to a friend "my daddy -or grandpa which ever you chose- is Paul McCartney!".

I totally, utterly hate Yoko Ono, John Lennon´s wife, she´s blamed for the break up of the Beatles -That´s reason enough to put her on the top 3 of my hate list- The Beatles break up is with Henry VII and Caterina of Aragon´s is the most world changing break up in history. Yesterday my mom, dad, older brother and I were talking about them and my dad was not sure if Yoko Ono worked for Apple Corps -Which belongs to the Beatles- and my mom was like "No, if she worked for that record I think that the other 3 Beatles would have died" even my grandma hates her!

But in the end The Beatles changed my world and I don´t know what music would be without them, they have so much influence upon the world that my computer dictionary came with the world Beatles included!

So I want to Finish this post saying Thank you Paul, Ringo -love your name, George- did you know that the guy that invented the portable clock was named just like him "George Harrison"- and John for everything the music the art the conversations themes, for inspiring me to learn to play the guitar, for everything.

Personally I love this picture they look so natural!

They were English men the had to drink tea!

Pillow fight!!!!!!

Hello America!!!
What does it says?!

I don´t know why I love the way they´re dressed here!


2 comentarios:

  1. Ive never seen th first picture! so natural!
    ps: never belive it when someone says theres nothing left to invent or play because they told that to Bach you know? they told him not to compose anything because everything had already been invented... that was before The Beatles, Jazz, Rock, Blues, Twarkovzki, bob marley, chopain (Im not sure about this one)...


So what do you think?