martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

First Post.......WHAT AM I GOING TO WRTITE ABOUT?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!

So I had been pondering on the idea of creating a blog, but I just kept backing out of the plan because I didn´t know what to write about, everybody begings introducing themself, but the again that´s how everybody begins and the idea of who I am, was or want to be will come in every post, lots of ideas came to my mind and they didn´t convinced me much, but then the idea hit me it had been right uder my nose all this time, I decided to write about how hard it is to come up with your first post. I know is short, but Hey! it´s my first post and I already said all I wanted to say. Free expresion is one of the most wonderfull things in life, so tell me what was your first post about? did you feel the same way as me???